The Transport and Industries of South-Western England
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The City of Bath
Sidney Gardens
This was where it started, around 75 years ago, trainspotting in Sydney gardens in 1950 with my mum. Then it was Kings, Castles and Halls; now IETs, 125s and 158s, I know which I prefer.

Trainspotting in 1950

Intercity 125, Sidney Gardens

Intercity 125, Sidney Gardens

Intercity 125, Sidney Gardens

Intercity 125, Sidney Gardens

158763, Sidney Gardens, Bath

158950, Sidney Gardens, Bath

158953, Sidney Gardens, Bath

158956, Sidney Gardens, Bath

158956, Sidney Gardens, Bath
Along the Kennet and Avon Canal
From the River Avon to Limpley Stoke

Thimble Mill Lock No '7'

Thimble Mill pump house

Horseshoe Walk Bridge No '190'

Top Lock '13' and bridge '189'

Bath Top Lock No '13'

Cleveland Tunnel

Cleveland Tunnel

Cleveland Tunnel

Sidney Gardens Bridge No '187'

Sidney Gardens Bridge No '187'

Sidney Gardens Bridge No '187'

Sidney Gardens Bridge No '186'

Sidney Gardens Tunnel

The canal at Bathampton

The canal at Bathampton

The canal at Bathampton

The canal at Bathampton

Harbutt's Plasticine factory

Bridge No '182' near Bathampton

Bridge No '182' stop lock

The canal near Bathampton

Rubbing plate on bridge No '179'

Bridge No '178' near Limpley Stoke

Bridge No '177' near Limpley Stoke

Limpley Stoke wharf

Limpley Stoke wharf crane

Limpley Stoke wharf crane
Claverton Pumping Station
A steam-powered pumping house on the Kennet and Avon Canal

The Kennet and Avon Canal

The Kennet and Avon Canal

Claverton pumping station

Claverton pumping station

Claverton pumping station

Claverton pumping station

Claverton pumping station
The Somerset Coal Canal and Camerton Railway
The Somerset Coal Canal started at Limpley Stoke as did the Camerton Railway that superceded it.

The Somerset Coal Canal

The Camerton Railway

The Camerton Railway

Monkton Combe Mill chimney
Around and about Bath
Warehouses, milestones and the Bathampton tramroad

River Avon warehouses, Bath

River Avon warehouses, Bath

River Avon warehouses, Bath

Parish of Lyncombe and Widcombe

Sham Castle building

Bathampton Tramroad

Bathampton Tramroad
The Somerset and Dorset Railway
Walking through the recently reopened Combe Down and Devonshire tunnels

Tucking Mill Viaduct

Tucking Mill Viaduct

Combe Down tunnel, Bath

Combe Down tunnel, Bath

Combe Down tunnel, Bath

Combe Down tunnel, Bath

Combe Down tunnel, Bath

S&D trackbed, Bath

Devonshire Tunnel, Bath

Devonshire Tunnel, Bath

S&D trackbed, Bath

S&D trackbed, Bath
The South Gloucestershire Coalfield
Coalpit Heath
New Engine Colliery - ST 6778 7938
New Engine Colliery was sunk c1822 and became the supply and maintainence depot for the surrounding pits. It was 500ft deep and closed c1870 but the chimney and machinery survived until c1930. The dramway here became loco worked in c1865 and the original engine house and horse whim have survived though much altered.

New Engine, 1880

Engine bedstones at New Engine

The dramway to New Engine

The dramway to New Engine

The dramway from New Engine

The dramway from New Engine

New Engine engine house

New Engine engine house

New Engine horse gin

New Engine horse gin
Ram Hill Colliery - ST 6091 8024
Ram Hill Colliery started life as a drainage shaft in 1783 and a winding shaft in c1824, around 550 ft deep It was worked by a horse whim and later by a beam engine. The colliery appears to have ceased winding between 1870 and 1880.

Ram Hill Colliery layout

Ram Hill horse whim

Ram Hill Colliery shaft

Ram Hill beam engine house

Ram Hill beam engine house

Ram Hill winding drum

Ram Hill Colliery sump

Ram Hill boiler house

Ram Hill engine house

Ram Hill Colliery sump

Ram Hill chimney base

Ram Hill Colliery loading bank

Ram Hill loading crane base

Ram Hill Colliery horsebox

Ram Hill Colliery dramway yard

Ram Hill Colliery dramway yard

Ram Hill Colliery dramway yard

Ram Hill dramway chairs

Ram Hill dramway chairs

Ram Hill dramway chairs
Ram Hill Dramway
The Ram Hill Dramway connected the colliery to the line from Frog Lane Colliery to Bristol and the River Avon. It was one of the last lines to be built designed specifically for horsepower and was never worked by locomotives. It was also one of the few broad gauge horse tramways, being dual gauge for a time. A short spur ran to Church Leaze Colliery

Ram Hill Colliery dramway, 1880

The dramway to Ram Hill Colliery

The dramway to Ram Hill Colliery

The dramway to Ram Hill Colliery

The dramway to Ram Hill Colliery

The dramway to Ram Hill Colliery

The dramway to Ram Hill Colliery

The dramway to Ram Hill Colliery

The dramway to Ram Hill Colliery

The dramway to Ram Hill Colliery

The dramway to Ram Hill Colliery

The dramway to Ram Hill Colliery

The dramway to Ram Hill Colliery
Serridge Engine - ST 6747 7963
Serridge Engine was a drainage pit, with coal winding carried out at Orchard (or Middle Whimsey) Colliery, a few hundred yards away. It was sunk in c1785 to 300 ft and draining a wide area into the 'Clamp' pond. The underground workings include the pumping shaft, a reservoir shaft with a heading to the Clamp and an ash pit below the engine. It is likely the engine ceased work some time after 1845.

Serridge Engine, 1880

Serridge Engine site

Serridge Engine engine pit

Serridge Engine ash pit

Serridge Engine ash pit

Serridge Engine ash pit

Serridge Engine ash pit

Serridge Engine tunnels

Serridge Engine tunnels

Serridge Engine tunnels

Serridge Engine tunnels

Serridge Engine tunnels

Serridge Engine tunnels

Serridge Engine drainage level

Serridge Engine bolts

Serridge Engine engine base

Serridge Engine reservoir shaft

Serridge Engine reservoir shaft

Serridge Engine reservoir shaft

Serridge Engine reservoir shaft

Serridge Engine drainage culvert

Serridge Engine eye bolt

Serridge Engine drainage culvert

Serridge Engine pumping shaft
Parkfield and Brandy Bottom
Brandy Bottom (Parkfield South) - ST 6820 7713
Brandy Bottom Colliery, officially Parkfield South Colliery, was sunk in c1837 as 'Lord Radnor's Pit' to a depth of about 600ft. Handel Cossham took over the lease in 1871. Coal winding ceased c1910 and only man-riding and ventilation took place until the colliery closed in 1936, passing to the NCB in 1947. The site was later acquired by the Shortwood Brick Co to protect their adjacent claypit. Brandy Bottom is now in the hands of the Avon Industrial Buildings Trust who are actively conserving the site.

Brandy Bottom Colliery, 1881

Brandy Bottom Colliery, 1901

Brandy Bottom from above, 2018

Brandy Bottom Colliery plan

Boiler House, Brandy Bottom

Boiler House, Brandy Bottom

Boiler House, Brandy Bottom

Boiler for the boiler house

Engine House, Brandy Bottom

Engine House, Brandy Bottom

Engine House, Brandy Bottom

Engine House, Brandy Bottom

Engine House, Brandy Bottom

Engine House, Brandy Bottom

Engine House, Brandy Bottom

Engine House chimney flue

Brandy Bottom chimney

Brandy Bottom chimney

Brandy Bottom chimney

Brandy Bottom chimney detail

Drainage system

Drainage system

Drainage system

Brandy Bottom cellar

Winding shaft

Winding shaft

Winding shaft

Winding shaft

Pumping shaft

Boiler supply well

'Bovey' Brick

Site information board

Brandy Bottom New Pit

Brandy Bottom New Pit

Brandy Bottom New Pit

Brandy Bottom New Pit shaft

Sirocco fanhouse at New Pit

Sirocco fanhouse at New Pit

Sirocco fanhouse at New Pit

Winding wheel at New Pit

Fishbelly rails at New Pit

Fishbelly rails at New Pit

Fishbelly rails at New Pit

Modern 'dram' at New Pit,
Cooks Pit, Great Cart Pit and Puffers Pit - ST 6923 7750
This is a group of mines from the 1700s taken over by Handel Cossham in 1851 with a view to re-use. Cooks Pit at the North of Parkfield Rank was re-opened and was connected to the 'dramway' by a tramway incline. It appears to be short-lived but was used for ventilation by Parkfield Colliery. Puffers Pit is similarly dated. It's probable that the stone building would have once been the engine house. Nothing is known of Great Cart Pit, to the South of Parkfield Rank, but it is also likely to have been of the same period. Most of these old mines reached a depth of c400ft.

Cook's Pit and Puffers Pit, 1881

Cook's Pit shaft, Parkfield Rank

Cook's Pit shaft, Parkfield Rank

Cook's Pit shaft, Parkfield Rank

Cook's Pit stables and weighbridge

Cook's Pit incline top, Parkfield Rank

Cook's Pit incline, Parkfield Rank

Cook's Pit incline, Parkfield Rank

Cook's Pit incline, Parkfield Rank

Cook's Pit incline, Parkfield Rank

Parkfield Rank collier's cottages

Great Cart Pit, Parkfield Rank

Puffers Pit, Parkfield Rank

Puffers Pit, Parkfield Rank

Puffers Pit, Parkfield Rank

Puffers Pit, Parkfield Rank
Parkfield Colliery - ST 6890 7780
Parkfield Colliery was sunk in 1851 to a depth of over 800ft by Handel Cossham. Little remains of the site today except for the chimney, noticeable from the M4 motorway. Som small outbuildings also remain close to the site. The coal was good quality and the colliery had its own gasworks. It closed in 1936 due to worsening flooding..

Parkfield Colliery, 1901

Parkfield Colliery Pay Office

Parkfield Colliery buildings

Parkfield Colliery buildings

Parkfield Colliery tramway sleeper

Parkfield Colliery chimney

Parkfield Colliery chimney

Parkfield Colliery yard

Parkfield Colliery reservoir
Along the 'dramway' - ST 6890 7780
The 'dramway' ran from Coalpit Heath to the River Avon between 1830 and 1860 as a horse-worked tramway. This section was the 'Bristol and Gloucestershire Railway' line from Mangotsfield to Yate becoming firstly GWR property, then the Midland Railway from Gloucester to Mangotsfield and Bristol.

Donisthorpe Colliery winding wheel

Donisthorpe Colliery winding wheel

Weighbridge or P.W. building

Along the trackbed

Along the trackbed

Along the trackbed

Along the trackbed
Yate and Engine Common
Rangeworthy New Pit (Oldwood Colliery) - ST 7000 8515
Originally sunk in 1867 for the Frampton Iron Co, Rangeworthy New Pit closed in 1889, shortly after the Yate collieries had closed and stopped pumping. Around 1881 the colliery had created anew drift mine and been linked to the Midland Railway by a short branchline.

Rangeworthy New Pit, 1901

Rangeworthy New Pit model

Rangeworthy New Pit offices

Rangeworthy New Pit vertical boiler

Guss and Crook haulage demonstration

Drams at the colliery site

Drams at the colliery site

Rangeworthy New Pit sidings

Rangeworthy drift mine

Rangeworthy drift mine

Rangeworthy drift mine

Rangeworthy New Pit shaft

Rangeworthy New Pit shaft

Rangeworthy New Pit shaft

Rangeworthy New Pit shaft

Rangeworthy New Pit shaft
Rangeworthy Old Pit - ST 7000 8479
Kedge Pit - ST 7013 8390
Two of the numerous old 19th century pits on Engine Common .

Rangeworthy Old Pit tip

Kedge Pit

Kedge Pit tip

Kibble in school yard
Yate No 2 New Pit - ST 7000 8422
Yate No 2 Pit came into being in the 1860s, incorporating a number of older pits. One of these was Staley's Pit, a pumping shaft operated by a Newcomen steam engine housed in a still existing engine house. A tramway connected the colliery with Yate No 1. The new colliery did not prosper and closed in 1888.

Yate No 2 New Pit, 1879

Newcomen engine house

Possible stable block

New Pit tip, part of Yate No 2 Pit

Tramway from No 2 Pit to No 1 Pit

Tramway from No 2 Pit to No 1 Pit

Tramway from No 2 Pit to No 1 Pit

Tramway from No 2 Pit to No 1 Pit
Yate No 1 Old Pit - ST 7013 8363
Yate No 1 Old Pit was the original colliery, known as New Engine Pit before becoming 'Old', probably dating from the early 1800s. It was linked by sidings to the Midland Railway and closed along with No 2 Pit in 1888.

Yate No 1 Old Pit, 1879

Yate No 1 Pit heapstead

Yate No 1 Pit heapstead

Yate No 1 Pit heapstead

Yate No 1 Pit heapstead

Yate No 1 Pit heapstead