The Transport and Industries of Europe
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Bern trams on route 6
Route 6 is a long route to Worf Dorb, once a separate railway from the outskirts of Bern. It is operated by sets 81-89, 1987-built tramcars, rebuilt and extended in 2010. These are helped out by the more modern trams as required.

Bern tram '83'

Bern tram '83'

Bern tram '83'

Bern trams '83' and '89'

Bern tram '84'

Bern tram '84'

Bern tram '85'

Bern tram '85'

Bern tram '86'

Bern tram '86'

Bern tram '87'

Bern tram '89'
Bern trams on other routes
Routes 7, 8 and 9 serve Bern City routes using mostly modern sets, though 731-742 date from 1989. Trolleybuses are used in the city too.

Bern tram '651'

Bern tram '654'

Bern tram '666'

Bern tram '666'

Bern tram '667'

Bern tram '667'

Bern tram '731'

Bern tram '731'

Bern tram 733'

Bern tram 736'

Bern tram 740'

Bern tram 741'

Bern tram 754'

Bern tram 754'

Bern tram 755'

Bern tram 756'

Bern tram 764'

Bern tram 765'

Bern trolleybus '24'
Bern steam tram
The Bern Tramway Museum has a steam tram, '12', built by SLM in 1894, works No 863. No '12' worked until 1901 when the system was electrified. Luckily it was preserved and gets occasional outings around the city streets, creating a lot of attention. The trailer, '31', is a replica of the original 1894 stock, built c2000. It was quite an experience taking a tour round the city with it !

Bern steam tram '12'

Bern steam tram '12'

Bern steam tram '12'

Bern steam tram '12'

Bern steam tram '12'

Bern steam tram '12'

Bern steam tram '12'

Bern steam tram '12'

Bern steam tram '12'

Bern steam tram '12'

Bern steam tram '12'

Bern steam tram '12'

Bern steam tram '12'
Metre gauge railways in the South
The RhB, FO and MGB from Chur to Tirano, Arosa, St Moritz, Andermatt, Brig ansd Visp
Rhaetian Railway (Ratische Bahn - RhB)
Rhaetian Railway steam special at Chur
A steam excursion hauled by '107 Albula' takes refreshment at Chur on its way from Landquart to Reichenau-Tamins with an enthusiasts special. '107 Albura' is a 2-8-0 of class G4/5 built in 1906 by SLM, works No. 1709

RhB '107' at Chur

RhB '107' at Chur

RhB '107' at Chur

RhB '107' at Chur

RhB '107' at Chur

RhB '107' at Chur

RhB '107' at Chur

RhB '107' at Chur

RhB '107' at Chur

RhB '107' at Chur

RhB '107' at Chur
Rhaetian Railway (RhB) Motive Power
The Rhaetian Railway (RhB) system and the Bernina Express from Chur to Tirano

RhB works locos '20' and '81'

RhB works loco '22' at Tirano

RhB works loco '26' at Arosa

RhB '47' near Chur

RhB '47' at Poschiavo

RhB '51' and '119' at Pontresina

RhB '52' at Pontresina

RhB '53' at Tirano

RhB '54' near Chur

RhB '55' near Chur

RhB '56' at Tirano

RhB '56' at Tirano

RhB '85' at Bergun

RhB '86' at Pontresina

RhB '88' at Davos

RhB '89' at Alvaneu

RhB '89' at Davos

RhB '109' near Tirano

RhB '111' at Scuol Tarasp

RhB '111' at Scuol Tarasp

RhB '112' at St Moritz

RhB '113' between Chur and Tirano

RhB '119' at Pontresina

RhB '120' at Tirano

RhB '120' at Tirano

RhB '120' at Davos

RhB ' 161' between Chur and Tirano

RhB '162' at Tirano

RhB '214' at Chur

RhB '214' near Bergun

RhB '215' at Chur

RhB '215' at Chur

RhB '232' at Realp

RhB '231', '232' and '233' at Realp

RhB '233' at Realp

RhB '233' at Chur

RhB '241' at Chur

RhB '243' at Arosa

RhB '9216' at Realp

RhB '20603' and '650' at Chur

RhB '20603' near Reichenau

RhB '20606' at Davos

RhB '20606' at Davos

RhB '407' at Bergun

RhB '407' at Bergun

RhB '407' at Bergun

RhB '491' at Bergun

RhB '512' at Davos

RhB '515' near Reichenau

RhB '603' at Davos

RhB '603' at Filisur

RhB '612' at Scuol Tarasp

RhB '612' at Scuol Tarasp

RhB '612' at Scuol Tarasp

RhB '613' between Chur and Brig

RhB '615' at Chur

RhB '615' at Chur

RhB '618' near Filisur

RhB '618' at Chur

RhB '621' near Filisur

RhB '621' at Chur

RhB '622' near Filisur

RhB '623' from Chur to Brig

RhB '624' at Davos

RhB '625' at Chur

RhB '625' near Bergun

RhB '630' at Bergun

RhB '631' at Scuol-Tarasp

RhB '643' near Filisur

RhB '644' at Bergun

RhB '645' at Filisur

RhB '645' at Filisur

RhB '645' at Filisur

RhB '645' at Filisur

RhB '647' at Chur

RhB '650' at Chur

RhB '652' near Bergun

RhB '707' at Chur

RhB '1714' near Davos

RhB '3101' at Scuol Tarasp

RhB '3102' at Filisur

RhB '3102' at Filisur

RhB '3103' at Chur

RhB '3104' at Davos

RhB '3104' at Chur

RhB '3117' at Davos

RhB '3129' at Chur

RhB '3131' at Davos

RhB '3132' at Davos

RhB '3133' at Davos

RhB '3134' at Filisur

RhB '3138' at Klosters

RhB '3502' at Alp Grum

RhB '3503' at Chur

RhB '3503' at Chur

RhB '3503' at Chur

RhB '3511' at Bruschio spiral

RhB '3511' at Bruschio spiral

RhB '3512' at Bruschio spiral

RhB '3512' at Bruschio spiral

RhB '3512' near Tirano

RhB '3513' near Davos

RhB '3514' at Chur

RhB '57803' at Filisur

RhB '57805' at Chur

RhB '57806' near Filisur

RhB '57806' near Filisur
The Chur to Arosa branch
A miniature verson of the Glacier Express runs from Chur to Arosa. It's a great little line with tunnels, viaducts, street running and roadside stations in Chur.

The Chur to Arosa line

The Chur to Arosa line

The Chur to Arosa line

The Chur to Arosa line

The Chur to Arosa line

The Chur to Arosa line

The Chur to Arosa line

The Chur to Arosa line

The Chur to Arosa line

The Chur to Arosa line

The Chur to Arosa line

The Chur to Arosa line
Around and about on the Rhaetian Railway (RhB)
The rest of the Rhaetian Railway (RhB) system and the Bernina Express from Chur to Tirano

The Rhaetian Railway (RhB)

RhB Alp Ghum Station

RhB Alp Ghum Station

RhB Alp Ghum Station

RhB old coach at Bergun

RhB snowplough at Bergun

RhB Bruschia spiral

RhB Bruschia spiral

RhB Chur to Tirano

RhB Chur to Tirano

RhB Chur to Tirano

RhB Chur to Tirano

RhB Chur to Tirano

RhB Chur to Tirano

RhB Chur to Tirano

RhB vintage coach at Davos

RhB vintage coach at Davos

RhB viaduct near Davos

RhB viaduct near Davos

RhB Filisur

RhB near Filisur

RhB near Filisur

RhB near Filisur

RhB Landwasser Viaduct

RhB Landwasser Viaduct

RhB Landwasser Viaduct

RhB Landwasser Viaduct

RhB dining car at St Moritz

RhB open carriages at St Moritz

RhB bells at Samedan

RhB at Scuol Tarasp
Matterhorn Gotthard Bahn (MGB)
Matterhorn Gotthard Bahn from Chur to Visp on the Glacier Express

MGB '3', Chur to Brig

MGB '4' at Brig

MGB '21' at Oberwald

MGB '21' at Visp

MGB '51' from Disentis to Brig

MGB '51' at Oberwald

MGB '53' at Visp

MGB '55' at Andermatt

MGB '62' at Furka

MGB '96' at Oberwald

MGB 103' from Disentis to Brig

MGB '103' from Disentis to Brig

MGB '104' at Oberwald

MGB '104' at Oberwald

MGB '108' at Oberwald

MGB '811' at Andermatt

MGB '2962' at Realp

MGB van '4929' at Visp

MGB BVZ '16' near Visp

MGB BVZ '16' near Visp

MGB approaching Andermatt

MGB approaching Andermatt

Oberwald, Furka base tunnel

MGB train at Visp
The Furka Oberalp Railway (FO)
Realp to Oberwald
The Furka Oberalp Railway (FO) is now run by the Dampfbahn-Furka-Bergstrecke (DFB) as a preserved steam-hauled rack railway from Realp to Oberwald, using the old line before the base tunnel was opened. The route includes the Steffenbach folding bridge and the Furka Summit Tunnel as it passes along the Rhone valley. It uses Swiss-built locomotives repatriated from Vietnam. Our train loco was No 704, built by SLM in 1923, works No 2940, for Vietnam. Crossing us at the summit was 'F.O.4', one of the lines' original locos, built by SLM in 1913, works No 2318.

FOB '704' at Realp

FOB '704' at Realp

Inside the train at Realp

FOB '704' at Realp

Realp to Tiefenbach

Realp to Tiefenbach

FOB '704' at Tiefenbach

FOB '704' at Tiefenbach

The line ahead at Tiefenbach

FOB '704' at Tiefenbach

FOB '506' at Furka

FOB '704' at Realp

FOB '704' at Realp

Downhill from Furka

FOB '704' at Furka

FOB '704' at Oberwald

FOB '704' at Oberwald

FOB '704' leaving Oberwald

FOB '704' above Gletsch

FOB '704' above Gletsch

FOB '704' above Gletsch

Furka tunnel West entrance

Furka tunnel East entrance

Furka tunnel East entrance

FOB 'F.O.4' approaching Furka

FOB 'F.O.4' approaching Furka

FOB 'F.O.4' arriving at Furka

FOB '704' at Furka

FOB '704' at Furka

FOB '704' at Furka

FOB 'F.O.4' at Furka

FOB 'F.O.4' at Furka

FOB 'F.O.4' at Furka

FOB '704' descending to Realp

FOB '704' descending to Realp

FOB '704' descending to Realp

FOB '704' descending to Realp

FOB '704' descending to Realp

Boxvan at Realp

FOB '51' at Realp

FOB DFB 'Tm 68' at Realp

MGB '62' at Gletsch

A rack axle at Realp

The station bell at Realp
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