The Transport and Industries of New Zealand
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Around Wellington
Quarries around Wellington
Owhiro Bay Quarry was opened in 1904 by the Tonks family who also owned Kilbirnie brickworks. After various changwes of ownership the quarry was purchased by Wellington City Councl in 1999, closed and rehabilitated as a scenic reserve.
Horokiwi Quarry and Kiwi Point Quarry are still working quarries.

Owhiro Bay Quarry, Red Rocks

Owhiro Bay Quarry, Red Rocks

Owhiro Bay Quarry, Red Rocks

Horokiwi Quarry, Khandallah

Kiwi Point Quarry, Khandallah

'Levin & Co Ltd' factory, Ngauranga
Wellington's trolleybuses
Wellington's trolleybuses sadly finished service in 2017

Trolleybus '242', Wellington

Trolleybus '338', Wellington

Trolleybus '367', Wellington
Somes Island
The well-known tramway on Somes Island was used for transporting stores to the lighthouse from the bay below. However a lesser-known tramway ran from the wharf to the quarantine station and military area on the top of the island.

The lighthouse tramway

The wharf tramway

The wharf tramway

The wharf tramway
Underground rooms built into the bank on the Scorching Bay road at the Miramar roundabout.

Underground rooms

Underground rooms

Underground rooms

Underground rooms

Underground rooms

Underground rooms

Underground rooms
Maritime Matters
Evans Bay Patent Slipway

Evans Bay Patent Slipway

Evans Bay Patent Slipway

Evans Bay Patent Slipway

Evans Bay Patent Slipway

The 'Wahine' memorial, Seatoun

'Arawana', Wellington harbour

'Bunun Dynasty', Wellington harbour

'Erradaley', Wellington harbour

'Kawatiri', Wellington harbour

'Sealion', Wellington harbour

'Seaworker', Wellington harbour

'Hikitia', Wellington harbour

'Hikitia', Wellington harbour

'Hikitia', Wellington harbour

'Hikitia', Wellington harbour

'Hikitia', Wellington harbour

Wellington harbour crane

Wellington harbour crane
Karori, Northland and Kelburn
Goldmines, waterworks, tunnels and viaducts
Golden Crown silver mine and St Johns Dam
Tennis courts and a swimming pool opened here in 1909 but fell into disuse. A new dam was constructed in 1933 but was superceded in 1937 by purpose-built baths. The 70 yard long Golden Crown silver mine is just below the dam.
For more information go to

'Golden Crown' goldmine

'Golden Crown' goldmine

'Golden Crown' goldmine

'Golden Crown' goldmine

'Golden Crown' goldmine

'Golden Crown' goldmine

'Golden Crown' goldmine

Karori Waterworks

Karori Waterworks

Karori Waterworks

Karori Waterworks

Karori Waterworks

St Johns dam, Karori

St Johns dam, Karori
Karori Tunnel
The oldest tunnel in Wellington, 80 yards long, was built in 1900 and now has a weekly flow of 114,000 vehicles.

Karori Tunnel

Karori Tunnel

Karori Tunnel
Northland Tunnel
Built by 1929, the 100 yard long tunnel was used by the final electric tramway route to be built in Wellington.

Northland Tunnel

Northland Tunnel
At the top of the cable car line and the electric tramway, Kelburn developed rapidly and the original wooden viaduct was replace with the current concrete viaduct, opened in 1931.

Old tram rails, Kelburn

Kelburn Viaduct, Wellington

Kelburn Viaduct, Wellington

Kelburn Viaduct, Wellington
Tinakori Hill
Kohatu Quarry
An old quarry that closed soon after 1912 following a fatal explosion in a magazine.

Kohatu Quarry noticeboard

Kohatu Quarry tramway

Kohatu Quarry tramway

Kohatu Quarry tramway

Kohatu Quarry tramway

Kohatu Quarry tramway

Kohatu Quarry magazine

Kohatu Quarry magazine

Kohatu Quarry magazine

Kohatu Quarry magazine
Thomas Quarry
The Thomas Quarry tunnel is believed to be a trial adit dug in 1906 for gold or silver and, obviously, they didn't find either. The tunnel stretches for about 40 yards before coming to a dead end. It also gets very low in places as my head will testify.

Thomas Quarry tunnel, Tinakori

Thomas Quarry tunnel, Tinakori

Thomas Quarry tunnel, Tinakori

Thomas Quarry tunnel, Tinakori

Thomas Quarry tunnel, Tinakori

Thomas Quarry tunnel, Tinakori

Thomas Quarry tunnel, Tinakori

Thomas Quarry tunnel, Tinakori
Wellington's Railways and Tramways
Wellington Station, loco shed and quays
Wellington Station is the centre of a curious variety of lines, older and modern suburban electrics to Paraparamu and Upper Hutt, previously ancient ones to Johnsonville, loco-hauled trains to the Wairarapa and Masterton and the train ferry to South Island. There even used to be a trolley bus or two on the roads.

DSC 2515 at Wellington Station

DC 4219 at Wellington Station

DC 4398 at Wellington Station

EM3102 at Wellington Station

EM3269 at Wellington Station

EM1246, FT428, 4408 and 4316

FT4529 at Wellington Station

FT4587, EM1315 at Wellington

EM1373 and train-spotter

D2411 at Wellington Station

DC 4012 at Wellington Station

DC 4012 at Wellington Station

DC 4323 at Wellington Station

D2842 at Wellington Station

DM 297 and train-spotter

DM 297 and trainee driver
Wellington quays and loco shed

DFT '7213' nears Wellington

DFT '7213' nears Wellington

'5016', '7010' on Wellington shed

'9129', '9158' on Wellington shed

DL ''9170' on Wellington shed

Wellington shed and locos

DBR 1200 on Wellington shed

DC 4467 on Wellington shed

DSC 2515 on Wellington shed

DSG 3059 on Wellington shed

DSG 3059 on Wellington shed

DBR 1200 on Wellington shed

DC 4409 on Wellington shed

Dm27 at Wellington yard

DSC 2665 at Wellington yard

DSG 3046 at Wellington yard

DSG 3046 at Wellington yard

EO 74 at Wellington yard

EW 165 on Wellington shed

Silver Fern Rm30 at Wellington

Wellington shed on webcam
The Johnsonville Line

Crofton Downs Station, 1983

Simla Crescent Station, 1980s

Raroa Station in the 1960s

Raroa, DM44 and Tui Tunnel No 7

Raroa Station, DM44

FT5200 at Khandallah

FT5200 at Khandallah

FT5200 at Khandallah

FP4610 at Khandallah Station

FT4610 at Khandallah Station

FT4610 at Khandallah Station

FP4610 at Khandallah Station

Khandallah, Kaka Tunnel No 6

FT4593 at Khandallah Station

FP4345 at Khandallah Station

Matangi unit in the Ngaio Gorge

Matangi unit in the Ngaio Gorge

Matangi unit in the Ngaio Gorge

Matangi unit in the Ngaio Gorge

Matangi unit in the Ngaio Gorge
The Paraparamu line

Paekakariki Station

FT4103 at Paekakariki station

Paekakariki Signal box interior

Paekakariki Signal box

DSA 258 at Plimmerton

J 1211 at Plimmerton

ET3085 at Plimmerton

ET3085 at Plimmerton Station
The Hutt Valley line

DC 4438 at Maymorn

Upper Hutt roundhouse

Petone, NZR works
Cable car to the Botanic Gardens and Kelburn

Preserved car No 1

Preserved car No 1

Preserved car No 1

Preserved trailer car

Original winding gear

Original winding gear

Car No 2 arriving at Kelburn

Car No 1 on it's way up

Cars 1 and 2 passing

Car No 2 on it's way up
Wellington Tramway Museum

Tramway Museum

Tramway Museum

Tramway Museum

Tramway Museum

Tramway Museum

Tramway Museum

Tramway Museum

Tramway Museum

Tramway Museum

Tramway Museum

Tramway Museum

Tramway Museum

Tramway Museum

Tramway Museum

Tramway Museum

Tramway Museum

Wellington Tram 232 in 1987