The Transport and Industries of New Zealand
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Somes Island
The Anti-Aircraft Battery
The Anti-Aircraft Battery consisted of a command post and 4 3.7 inch gun emplacements built in 1942. The Japanese threat soon diminished and, like the majority of New Zealand's fortifications, the guns were never fired in anger.

Somes Island AA battery

Brick building at edge of site

A general view of the site

Gun Pit No 4, Somes Island

Gun Pit No 4, Somes Island

Gun Pit No 4, Somes Island

Gun Pit No 4, Somes Island

The Command Post, Somes Island

The Command Post, Somes Island

The Command Post, Somes Island

Gun Pit No 3, Somes Island

Gun Pit No 3, Somes Island
The De-gaussing Station
In 1940 the Germans laid magnetic mines in the Cook Straits and other palces on the coastline. De-Gaussing was carried out to shipping to reduce their magnetic signature, the process being run by a WRENS unit on Somes Island.

De-Gaussing noticeboard

The foundations of the station camp

Remains of the jetty

Leftover rubble and brickwork
Wrights Hill Fortress
Wrights Hill Fortress
Planned in 1935, construction began in 1942 to house two 9 inch guns, installed in 1944, the order for the third was cancelled. The guns were scrapped in 1960 and the site decayed. Restoration began in 1988, firstly by the Karori Lions and subsequently by the Wrights Hill Fortress Restoration Society. The underground areas are now open to visitors on a few days each year.
For more information, go to the Restoration Society's website at

Wrights Hill ground plan

Wrights Hill notice board

Wrights Hill notice board

Wrights Hill notice board

Observation and radio post

Observation and radio post

Gun pit No 1, Wrights Hill

War shelter No 1, Wrights Hill

War shelter No 2, Wrights Hill

War shelter Nos 1 and 2

Gun pit No 2, Wrights Hill

Plotting rooms and shelter

Engine rooms and buildings

Engine rooms and buildings

Engine rooms and buildings

Gun pit No 3, Wrights Hill

Parade ground building

Foundations next to radome

Foundations next to radome

Foundations next to radome