The Transport and Industries of New Zealand
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The Karangahake Gorge
from Waihi to Paeroa
The Ohinemuri River runs from Waihi, just 2 kms from the Bay of Plenty but strangely flows westward to the Firth of Thames, passing through the Karangahake Gorge on the way. The river valley marks one of the most prolific goldfields in New Zealand.
The Cyanide Process
The first field trials in the world were carried out at the Crown mine to prove the cyanide method of extracting gold from low quality quartz ores. In 1897 the New Zealand Government acquired the patent rights for the process. The small royalty charged for the use of the process meant that the government outlay was fully recovered by 1905. The process was soon employed widely on this and other goldfields throughout New Zealand and overseas. It achieved an extraction rate of up to 90% of the gold contained in the rock, so making economic the processing of low content ores.
Waihi and Waikino
Waihi is the home of the Martha Mine, one of the largest goldmines in New Zealand.

Waihi Goldmine

Cornish pumphouse, Waihi

Cornish pumphouse, Waihi

Cornish pumphouse, Waihi

Cornish pumphouse, Waihi

Cornish pumphouse noticeboard

Pumphouse shaft noticeboard

Cornish pumphouse shaft, Waihi

The Martha goldmine, Waihi

The Martha goldmine, Waihi

The Martha goldmine, Waihi

The Martha goldmine, Waihi

The Martha goldmine, Waihi

The Martha goldmine, Waihi

The Martha goldmine, Waihi

The Martha goldmine, Waihi

Replica poppet headgear, Waihi

Replica poppet headgear, Waihi
Waikino Goldfields Railway

Baguley-Drewry 3650 of 1968

Baguley-Drewry 3650 of 1968
Woodstock Battery and kilns
Woodstock Battery
The Auckland based 'Woodstock Gold and Silver Mining and Smelting Co' was formed in 1885, headed by William Gorrie. Roderick McDonald Scott was mine manager.. It met with little success because of the difficult, refractory nature of the ore despite its high grade. In 1890, the company was reconstructed as the 'Woodstock United Goldmining Co' after merging with the 'Kenilworth Co'. It wasn’t until the introduction of the ‘cyanide’ process in 1894 (developed by the nearby Crown Gold Mining Co in 1889), which greatly improved returns, that the mine developed. In 1897 the 10 stamp battery was increased to 40 stamps and a cyanide plant erected at the confluence of the Ohinemuri and Waitawheta Rivers. Around 1900 the company constructed a large underground pumphouse chamber on the west bank of the river to accommodate a headframe and shaft within the narrow confines of the gorge becoming the centre of the company’s operations. It had developed the mine at five levels, producing around 140 000 ounces of gold, before closing in 1903. The Woodstock Co was acquired by the Talisman Co in 1904, who accessed part of its Talisman level 14 workings through the Woodstock shaft, and operations at the battery ceased in 1909 after a flood, and then a fire the following year. The Talisman Co was liquidated in 1920. (DoC)

Woodstock Battery

Woodstock Battery c1885

Woodstock Battery

Woodstock Battery,1897

Woodstock Battery, c1895

Woodstock Battery, c1914

Woodstock Battery flood damage

Woodstock Battery on fire, 1910

Woodstock Battery on fire, 1910

Woodstock ore kilns

Woodstock ore kilns, c1890

Woodstock pumphouse

Woodstock pumphouse

Woodstock pumpshaft
Woodstock Battery
Woodstock Battery

Woodstock Battery

Woodstock Battery

Woodstock Battery

Woodstock Battery

Woodstock Battery

Woodstock Battery

Ironmongery in the undergrowth

Woodstock Battery

Woodstock Battery

Woodstock riverside pipeline

Woodstock drainage level
Woodstock Ore Kilns and Incline
The Woodstock ore kilns were above the battery and were fed with ore brought along the tramway from the Windows mine . The incline linked the ore kilns and mine to the battery and is now the main access to the Windows mine.

Woodstock ore kilns level

Woodstock ore kilns level

Woodstock ore kilns level

Woodstock ore kilns level

Woodstock Battery ore kilns

Woodstock ore kilns level

Woodstock Battery incline

Woodstock Battery incline
Woodstock Underground Pumphouse
Woodstock underground pumphouse

Woodstock pumphouse tramway

Woodstock pumphouse tramway

Woodstock pumphouse tramway
The Woodstock 'Windows' Walk
The Woodstock 'Windows' Walk
The Woodstock ‘windows’ tunnels are on the North side of the gorge about 35 metres above the river. They follow Shepherd’s Lode, the location where most of the rich ore was won. The tunnels are connected by a 500 metre tramway (Woodstock tramway) to the company’s battery site at the confluence of the Ohinemuri and Waitawheta Rivers. The main tunnel, cut through sound rock, is about 100 metres long, 2.5 metres wide, and 2.5 metres high (for horse drawn operations), and is 5 to 10 metres inside the cliff face. Crosscuts run off it at right angles into the hillside. Where the crosscuts and tunnel intersect, the miners created ‘windows’ in the cliff face to dump mullock (waste rock) into the river, while the gold bearing ore was retained and trucked along the tramway to the battery.
The tunnels and ‘windows’ in their spectacular gorge setting were a major engineering achievement and have created a significant and enduring heritage site. Waikato Conservancy has just completed the first stage of a major development (the Karangahake Mines project) of the sites in this area. This work has seen the historic tunnel which runs parallel to the cliff face, extended by 70 metres and in tandem with a new staircase created a circuit walk around the significant mining heritage sites in the lower gorge. In addition track was re-laid on the Woodstock tramway to both remove the tunnellings and recreate an historic element. New tunnel portals and safety barriers have also been installed in key locations. (DoC).
The Woodstock 'Windows' Tramway
The Woodstock tramway ran from the ore kilns to the mine, known these days as the 'Windows' tunnels.

The Woodstock 'Windows' tramway

The Woodstock 'Windows' tramway

The Woodstock tramway wagon

The Woodstock tramway wagon

The Woodstock 'Windows' tramway

The Woodstock 'Windows' tramway

The Woodstock 'Windows' tramway

The Woodstock 'Windows' tramway

The Woodstock 'Windows' tramway

The Woodstock 'Windows' tramway

The Woodstock 'Windows' tramway

The Woodstock tramway, 2013

The Woodstock tramway, 2017

The Woodstock 'Windows' tramway

The 'Windows' tunnels ironmongery

The Woodstock 'Windows' tramway

The Woodstock 'Windows' tramway

The Woodstock 'Windows' tramway
The 'Windows' tunnels
The 'Windows' tunnels

The first 'Windows' tunnel

The first 'Windows' tunnel

The first 'Windows' tunnel

The first 'Windows' tunnel

The first 'Windows' tunnel

Between the 1st and 2nd tunnels

The second 'Windows' tunnel

The second 'Windows' tunnel

The second 'Windows' tunnel

The second 'Windows' tunnel

The second 'Windows' tunnel

The third 'Windows' tunnel

The third 'Windows' tunnel

The third 'Windows' tunnel

The third 'Windows' tunnel

The third 'Windows' tunnel

The third 'Windows' tunnel

The third 'Windows' tunnel

The third 'Windows' tunnel

The third 'Windows' tunnel

The third 'Windows' tunnel

The third 'Windows' tunnel

The third 'Windows' tunnel
The Windows from the Crown Mine tramway
The Windows viewed from the Crown Mine tramway on the South bank of the Waitawhera River

Windows Walk

Windows Walk

Windows Walk

Windows Walk
Crown Mine
Crown Mine
Crown Mine and Battery.
The 'Crown Goldmining Co' which first worked this site was registered in 1883, but operations at the beginning were difficult due to the refractory nature of the ore. They erected an inclined tramway from the mine to the battery to transport ore. In 1891, they commenced mining of the Welcome Reef, driving an adit 2894 feet. In 1896 a shaft was sunk from a chamber within this level for 526 feet, and developed five levels from it. Mining concentrated on the upper most level called 5A with the lowest level was still 500 feet above the river level. The lower levels suffered flooding problems. The company gradually took over neighbouring claims, increasing from an initial 60 acres to 404 acres. These leases included the Earl of Glasgow, Monastery, Mammoth, and Ravenswood. By 1891 it was owned by the 'New Zealand Crown Mines Co'. The introduction of the cyanide process in the 1890's improved extraction rates and by 1896 the plant had expanded to 60 stampers. By 1908 difficulties, particularly surplus water, were encountered in the mining operation and profitability declined from 1910 to 1915 and by 1916 most of the workers had been laid off. In 1920 the battery was dismantled and very small scale mining continued until 1928, when the company abandoned the lease and was wound-up.

Crown battery

Crown battery downstream

Battery under construction

Crown battery

Crown battery

Crown Mine tunnel

Crown Mine

No 6 Level entrance

No 6 Level entrance

Powerplant and tramway

Crown Mine

The Cyanide process
The Crown Battery

Crown battery

Crown battery

Crown battery

Crown battery

Crown battery

Crown battery

Crown battery

Crown battery

Crown battery

Crown battery

Crown battery

Crown battery pipeline
The Crown Mine
Upstream from the suspension bridge on the North bank

Crown Mine level

Crown Mine level

Crown Mine pipeline

Drainage level

Crown Mine level

Crown Mine level

Crown Mine level
Downstream from the suspension bridge on the South bank

Crown Mine bridge

Crown Mine bridge

Crown Mine tramway

Crown Mine tramway

Crown Mine tramway

Crown Mine tramway
Drainage levels on the Crown Mine tramway on the South bank, possibly from the Talisman Mine

Drainage levels on the tramway

Drainage levels on the tramway

Drainage levels on the tramway

Drainage levels on the tramway
Acknowledgments, sources and further reading.
Thanks for photos, info and help to :- Auckland Museum, Dept of Conservaton (DoC), Goldfields Railway Inc., Heritage New Zealand,,, Victoria Battery Tramway & Museum Society Inc.
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